Benefits > Healthier Option
Healthier option to synthetic based insulation
At Insulate Naturally we believe that building and insulating materials shouldn't make you sick. You have the right to know what types of chemicals are found in the insulation your are installing in your home. This is why we chose only the healthiest thermal insulation products in the world.
The Steico wood fibre products were tested by the Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH (IBR); an independant and highly reputable laboratory in Germany.
The IBR'S testing is even more severe than Germany's own AgBB health requirements . But just don't take our word for it. We encourage you to fully read the report below
What does the IBR test for ?
Biocides, pyrethroids, OHCs, phthalates
Polychlorinated biphenyls
Flame retardants
AOX (Adsorbable organic halides) / EOX Extractable organic halides
Solvent and odoriferous VOC substance testing
Heavy metals